Friday, February 1, 2013

State Street Garage Update- February 1, 2013

We knew that beginning a construction project in the middle of the winter would be challenging. Snow and then  ice coupled with cold weather as we have had recently can obviously cause issues. Then  we have near record rainfall  for Januaury.
I am glad to report, however, that we continue to make good progress despite the weather.
The large crane has finally arrived on State Street and our understanding is that the trucks carrying the precast concrete should begin rolling in on Monday. Our goal is still to have the work completed on the State Street side of the garage, including the new overpass, by March 5. At that point the crane will move down Union Avenue to S. Central Street for approximately one month .
The foundation work is proceeding and is generally on schedule as planned.
The parking situation in the garage has had some glitches but I think we have finally resolved those with signage and folks on site for direction. Monthly parkers are allowed to park in the State Street Garage and we are directing all others to the surface lot beside the garage. This lot can be accessed from several different directions and we are grateful to Knox County for allowing us this use.

We cancelled the last scheduled Public Hearing due to many conflicts with other meetings and also because of the potential weather and that now looks like a good call.
We have scheduled the next Public Meeting to provide a construction update and to answer any questions for February 7, 2013 at 5:00 pm at the East Tennessee History Center.
We now have our new landscaping plan so we will provide details at that time for review.
Please continue to use caution in this congested work zone and be aware of our flaggers and the directional signage. We have given a lot of thought to placement and function here so we need your help to work with us to provide a safe environment.
Below are some random pictures of the foundation work, work site,  and some of the equipment.

Below are couple of the older pictures from the original construction:

Thanks for your interest in this project and in Downtown Knoxville.


  1. Hey guys,

    Changes are coming quickly and leading to confusion for monthly parkers who need to get to work AND need to leave periodically throughout the day.

    This resource needs to be updated more frequently if you're going to use it.

    As of now, it's been two weeks since an update and the changes for parkers are daily and dramatic. More updates would help us and help you.

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