Thursday, May 16, 2013

State Street Garage Update- May 17, 2013

The State Street Garage expansion is continuing as was described in the last post. The overpass from the garage to the former escalator landing and then on to S. Gay Street will open on Friday, May 18, 2013. The parking level at the overpass level is still closed for parking however, so either the elevator or the stairway can be used to access this point.
The New Sentinel article in today's paper written by Jim Balloch accurately reflects our schedule and I have included a link here for more detail:

The following is a series of pictures taken the last two weeks. Several are from the new deck level.


The following pictures where all taken from the new deck:

The next picture is looking out from the new overpass to S. Gay Street.

Work on the new stormwater system is still ongoing. The picture below is of the work completed on Clinch Avenue.

This is a picture of the clearing being done along S. Central Street in anticipation of the new storm system there.

Thanks for your interest in this project and in Downtown Knoxville.
Don't forget the Biscuit Festival this weekend.

1 comment:

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